Wednesday 16 March 2011

Akupresur (Acupressure)

Akupresure adalah salah satu bentuk fisioterapi dengan memberikan penekanan dan stimulasi pada titik-titik tertentu pada tubuh. Berguna untuk mengurangi ketegangan dan bermacam-macam sakit seperti sakit otot dan sendi, lutut, arthritis, ‘genito urinary’, sakit kepala,migrain dan lain-lain lagi. Ia juga dapat membantu melancarkan peredaran darah badan.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, akupresur menggunakan jari-jari tangan atau benda tumpul lain sebagai perangsang titik-titik yang ada pada tubuh. Seperti dengan akupuntur, akupresur berasal dari China. Teknik pengubatan itu sudah dikenali masyarakat China sejak pemerintahan Dinasti Shang berabad-abad yang lalu. Di kala itu akupresur hanya digunakan untuk mengubati berbagai-bagai jenis penyakit. Pada zaman Dinasti Tang, akupuntur mulai dikembangkan untuk rawatan kecantikan dan kesihatan kulit terutama kaun hawa. Berawal dari sinilah, teknik akupresur berkembang lebih lanjut hingga sekarang. Prinsip kerja akupresur sama seperti akupuntur iaitu melancarkan energi vital atau chi/qi dalam tubuh. Akupresur adalah rawatan akupuntur tanpa jarum.Walaupun usaha menjaga kesihatan telah dilakukan, kadangkala gangguan kesihatan masih terjadi samada disebabkan oleh faktor dari tubuh atau sekeliling. Keadaan ini akan mengganggu energi vital tubuh. Jadi, terapi dengan cara merangsang titik-titik yang behubung dengan organ yang sakit dapat melancarkan kembali energi vital. Akupuntur atau akupresur mempunyai peranan yang sama. Kedua-duanya memberi kesan yang sama dalam menyembuhkan sesuatu penyakit.

In the traditional Chinese view of the body, energy lines called meridians run throughout the body, and give the body "life force," similar to how blood gives the whole body life. When there is too much energy collected in one area, or the area is low on energy, disease is said to be the result.

Acupressure refers to the gentle application of finger pressure on points that are located on the major meridians, with the intention of balancing the body's energy, also known as contact healing . It is a method where direct massage and pressure applied to one point of the body will physiologically affect another part of the body.

Think of a river where debris has collected and dammed up the flow of water. There is "too much" water above the dam, and "not enough" water below the dam. If you put pressure on the blocked area, the river's waters flow again, and balance is restored. Stress is a part of everyone's life. While there are many, many ways to deal with stress, a simple, no-side-effects approach is the use of acupressure. Acupressure massage will stimulate and restore the body’s natural ability to cure itself.

Acupressure is essentially acupuncture without needles. Different massage methods are used with strong stimulation to specific acupuncture points on the body. Acupressure works like acupuncture to stimulate the flow of Qi (energy) and blood along the meridians to heal the body. Acupressure is a safe, simple, and inexpensive treatment.

Benefits of Acupressure and Massage

  • Strengthens the body and its ability to heal
  • Helps build a healthy immune system
  • Releases natural cortisol to reduce swelling & offer relief from allergies
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Reduces pain by releasing natural endorphins
  • Helps with behavioral issues such as aggression, fear, separation anxiety and depression
  • Improves muscle tone & mobility
  • Increases range of motion for better movement
  • Reduces tactile defense — helps those who are uncomfortable being touched relax and trust touch
  • Reduces accumulated stress & fatigue in the body
  • Reduces blood pressure and muscle stiffness
  • Increases vitality, stamina and energy

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