Acupuncture is said to be one of the most ancient and characteristic techniques of Chinese medicine.
From ancient times, this acupuncture technique was valuable in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. It was also mentioned in the history of early civilization that the African tribes of Bunti, the Arabian Tigris, the ancient Egyptians and Indians also practiced some kind of acupuncture in their treatment of ailments.
It was said to have been practiced in the Stone Age with stone needles. The Eskimos still use sharpened stones for treating illness.
In times of war, soldiers who were struck by arrows in certain parts of the body, found themselves cured of ailments in other parts of the body. So, curious persons started to wonder whether there was any relation between pricks on the skin surface and cure of the internal organ.
Acupuncture is totally harmless when compared to western medicines which could cause reactions or side effects. It is very useful for treatment in most chronic disorders and was said to be very effective in the treatment of the bronchial asthma, diabetes, residual paralysis of polio, deafness, arthritis–joint pains, back–ache, cervical spondylosis, head pain, osteoarthritis, knee joint, frozen shoulder, hypertension, sciatica, hemiplegia, paraplegia, migraine, speech disorders, allergy, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, insomnia and many other conditions.
The procedure of conventional acupuncture is by inserting and manipulating needles into various points on the body. The needles are pricked as deep as a third to an inch into the skin depending on the type of ailments and the physical condition of the patient. But before that the acupuncturist needs to decide which points to treat by observing and questioning the patient in order to make a diagnosis.
If the patient is not strong, feels uncomfortable or phobic with needles, then inserting the needles in the patient will not be effective.
As such, the conventional method of acupuncture are now being developed by utilizing laser technology innovated from Korea . The ancient way of using long tiny needles are no longer considered hygienic, but this new method utilizing Microcurrent Pulse Stimulator (MPS) is also said to be quick and painless. MPS was was developed some 22 years ago in Korea , and it has been improved continuously to meet the needs of the public as well as the rigorous safety standard required by the Korean medical authorities.
The application of the electric MPS makes nerve or muscle activities be excised or suppressed. It provides the acupuncture-like deep sensory perception and much more power than a normal acupuncture using needles. This modality is invented by combining an oriental acupuncture technique with western electrotherapy. This device has been used clinically for more than ten years and widely accepted in many applications including pain relief.
Pain, sprained or bruised injury or muscle stiffness during sport activities could be relieved with MPS therapy. Other pains that can be relieved with MPS therapy include the following:-
- Abdominal Gas
- Ankle Pain
- Arm Pain
- Bronchial Asthma
- Climateric (menopausal) Changes
- Cough
- Elbow/Shoulder Pain
- Facial Spasm/Bell Palsy
- Frozen Shoulder/ Cervical Spondolysis
- Hand or Foot Numbness
- Indigestion
- Joint Pain
- Leg Spasm/ Leg Cramp
- Lumbago (Low Back Pain)
- Menstrual Irregularity
- Migraine
- Sole Pain
- Stiff Neck
- Stomachache
- Vomitting and Diarrhea
For further information on MPS Acupuncture Therapy and Stimulatherapy Massage, Please contact me Pn Soraiya at 012-7080046